You are able to create an unlimited number of roles types within the system and what each role type has access to depends on how that role has been set up in the ‘Roles’ tab (‘Administration’ > ‘General’ > ‘User Roles’).
To create a new role go to ‘Administration and select ‘User Roles’ on the left-hand side menu. in the top right-hand corner of the page, you will see the option to ‘Create New’. Simply assign a name for your role, select the appropriate permissions and click ‘Create’.
To edit a current role select ‘Edit’ next to the role you would like to change within the ‘User Roles’. Scroll down and you’ll find that you’re able to decide what that role has access to in the administration area, the Teaching and Learning module, the Performance Management module, the 360 review module and the CPD module. Some of the options include:
Can View All Forms – Will allow user to view all T&L forms, regardless of who they are by or on.
Can Be Approver – Will allow user to approve PM documents and make final pay recommendation for appraisee.
Can Edit Own Form – Will allow user to make changes to their own PM document.
Can View All PM Data – Will allow user to see all PM documents, regardless of who appraisee is.
If you want to assign somebody a role, or change their current role, you can do so by going to ‘Administation’ > ‘User Accounts’ and click ‘Edit’ next to their name. You will then be able to select their roles from the drop-down list.
To set somebody as head of a particular subject or department you will also need to go to the ‘Subjects’ tab and find your chosen subject(s). Click ‘Edit’, then select that persons name from the dropdown list that appears.
To set somebody as head of a particular year group or phase you will need to go to the ‘Year Groups’ tab and find your chosen year group(s). Click ‘Edit’, then select that persons name from the dropdown list that appears.
You can have as many or as few people set as head of subject or year group as you like, but bear in mind that they will then be able to see all of the teaching and learning forms for that subject or year group.